Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dance All You Want, Just not the Can't Can't

Happy New Year, Happy New You

Sleeping Sakura

Each new year brings new challenges. Guess what, we are all another year older. My Birthday happens to be in January and I happen to be turning a double digit (55), which my wife insists, is lucky! I am all for that after a year that had 13 in it. It was in 2013 that I was diagnosed with CPPD: (Calcium Pyrophosphade Dihydrate) crystal deposition disease disease. 

The disease deposits crystals of calcium in your joints, causing them to inflame and causes joint damage. 
Much like rheumatoid arthritis, over time the damage can mean joint replacement. However, since these crystals behave like gout (uric acid crystals), it is wicked painful at times. There is no known cause and there is no cure. CPPD is more common in people older than 60, and if we live into our 90's, 50% of us will have it. I guess I am just an overachiever.

When you have a chronic disease, there is no road map. This time of the year is especially difficult due to the cold weather and danger of falling. My doctor says falling is one of the worst things you can do. So I try to be careful and not act like I'm still 18. (physically that is!)

Balance Brain and Braun

Up until last year, I had suffered from chronic pain from fusion surgery. Then I developed fibromyalgia and then I was diagnosed with CPPD. 

I fought back with exercise and put myself in the best shape ever. I was strong and leaner. Then the pain and stiffness became so great it was more difficult to work out. But I persevered. 

However, I couldn't help but make checklists of what I could not do anymore. I was an all american athlete in High School so I am very capable, and if you did not know my condition, you would think I am a gym rat.

Which I am.

You should be too. First off, it gets you out of the house. Second, it makes you feel better and you sleep better. But also, going to the gym gets you out into the world and see people. People are good for your chronic pain because they are a distraction. And they make you feel ok and normal.

So I am not dancing the Can't Can't in 2014. I don't dwell on what I can't do anymore, but focus on what I can do.

Finding the right balance of exercise and what kind is my hardest adjustment. My body doesn't recover like a normal person. I don't wake feeling rested. I wake stiff and it is painful to move. 

There is no guide to my arthritis, no road to happiness. I look at the blogs that are out there searching for answers or suggestions that work.

For now I go with what works for me. Don't push it, but when I have a good day, work those muscles that are hard for me. Rest more than I used to. 

Balance brings harmony and happiness into my life.

What helps you?

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