Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Know someone with Chronic Arthritis Pain? Here are the 5 D's of the Disabling Disease

Discovery, distance, desperation,
 decision and dedication

What is Pain? What is Chronic Pain?

Pain Hurts. 
Like breaking your leg, banging your head
or slamming the door on your fingers.

Chronic Pain Hurts.
All the time. Like stabbing your knee with
a knife on every step up stairs.

Imagine how you feel when you twist
your ankle and all the emotions that 
go with it... you feel stupid, angry, 
helpless, lonely and afraid.

Will I ever walk normal again?
Yes, but it will take time and rehab to heal.
Over time, you heal.

Chronic pain has no healing, 
and seems to stab or twist every day!
 no beginning, progression, and end.

Chronic means forever.

Chronic pain takes over your life and
makes decisions for you. Pain that you deal with on a moment to moment basis.

These five D's are the result of actual
experience. Your pain and or life
experience may be different than mine.

The 5 D's of Chronic Pain

Discovery: This is the moment that eluded you since your (fill in the blank chronic disease) first stirred in your body. Diagnosis and treatment for Chronic anything is not a quick process.

Distance: How far can I run from this predicament? It's just not happening to me. In one word, denial.

Desperation: How can this happen to me? I watch what I eat.... there must be something, someone who can help me. Another word? Depression. A therapist is a must.

Decision: What am I going to do about my chronic disease that causes chronic pain? Am I going to medicate it? Exercise it? Vegan it? What you are doing to prevent and or help your Arthritic body is always a moving target.

Dedication: Being educated on your own body is the best source of advice. You can learn about what is out there and how it helps. Read everything you can about your Chronic pain. Embrace your disability, and keep moving!

Keep up the Good Fight!

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