Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Life has many rivers to cross, Arthritis makes crossing tricky!

Convulsing Caustic Currents 

like Rivers of Fire in your Joints

Photo gif: Bart Connors Szczarba

Sounds like fun this arthritis. But it is not. Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in the United States and the UK. Having arthritis can make simple tasks like feel like you are walking waist deep in a river upstream. Every step calculated, every move and every effort.

Effort upon effort. And the cure? None in sight. In fact, Methotrexate has been around for over 30 years. I have read that only 50% of patients who try this, and move on to other biologics, have some relief. However, after two years half of those were off of it because it was ineffective in the long run. 

There's nothing you can take that is going to stop the burning, the swelling or the pain. You can't find anything that is going to give you back the energy that your arthritis has robbed from you. 

With every up, there's a down, every top, a bottom, every mountain has a valley... for every victory there are more failures.

Is it is all bad? No. You can put up a fight. You can take things to reduce swelling and ice. You can try to get on a regular exercise program. Try some meditation and by all means, get a therapist. They will be the only person that understands your pain. You would feel better if you talked to your doctor once a week to tell them what is going on. But, you and I both know that doctors come up scratching their heads when everything hurts and specific joints (my right wrist now loves to swell at night) puff up.

Doctors knee jerk reaction is prescribe and jab. Patients are desperate to get any relief. Having arthritis is always a battle that you face everyday, morning, noon, and night. A great big circle of flares and remission. 

If you are like me, you don't want to take everything and the kitchen sink. I don't want to risk my health down the road for some temporary relief now. 

However, if you have a more aggressive form of arthritis than my

then you have to do what you have to do. Chondrocalcinosis is slower progressing tha Rheumatoid Arthritis, but arguably more painful, hence the nickname, pseudo gout. 

We are finally getting some decent weather here in Southern New England. The warmth feels much better on your joints. Don't let your arthritis take over the summer. Get out on your own and bike, walk, join the gym, hike or whatever your passion drives you. 

Exercise is tough, and can leave you feeling sapped of energy too. But that's ok, you sleep much better and have a better attitude also. I hope you, 
like me, can find that right magic balance of diet, exercise, mindfulness, and family and friends to make your life with arthritis as best as it can be. Until then...

Keep up the Good Fight!
Bart Connors Szczarba

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