Thursday, April 24, 2014

My so called OTHER life

Appreciation of the Beauty of Nature 

is a Natural Pain Reliever

After one of the worst winters of my lifetime, I had to endure it with my inflammatory arthritis for only the second year. Just the luck of the Irish Ukrainian! 

If you are like me, you are like, "are you mother trucking kidding me? What is NEXT winter going to be like? You can torture yourself with what is tomorrow, next week, next month.... going to be like.  

Fortunately for me I have an understanding wife, 3 wonderful dogs, great friends and Cherry Blossoms.

Cherry Blossoms? Sure. Why not Cherry Blossoms?

When you are in constant pain, you need to have some things that take your mind off your pain. 

Its not such an easy task. 

When I broke my back in 2001 (crushed my c7) in a freak fall, I spent a few years on the Oxy train. I did little but lay on the couch will all the guilt and anxiety that goes with doing nothing. Or feeling that you can't do anything.

But I was lucky in a way to break my back. 

Luck you say? You must be stoned.

Maybe, but I would have never sold my condo of 18 years and move to Wooster Square so I could walk everywhere if I had not had the fall. I haven't driven since 2004, mostly by choice. But I can tell you something, cars cost a lot of money....and all I was doing was getting in my car to go spend money. Such is the life in America.

I moved to the big city.

Wooster Square is an Historic district in New Haven Connecticut. The is a quaint park, Wooster Square Park, that is ringed by Cherry Trees. Making spring very magical and calming.

The Japanese have revered the Sakura Cherry Trees for years. Their breathtaking fleeting beauty reminds us of how great life can be and how fast it can go.


Wooster Square Blossom Blog

My wife after years of corporate engineering in Boston, came back to New Haven to be closer to her ailing father. Cheryl moved to Wooster Square.

I met Cheryl walking my Blind Italian Greyhound Zippy. Cheryl was walking her 4 1/2 pound poodle.

The rest is history, we were married two years later. Cheryl sponsors the Wooster Square Cherry Blossom Festival and had this brilliant idea.

She said that I would take photos of the neighborhood and post them in a blog so people knew exactly when to come to see the Cherry Blossoms in Bloom.

The don't always bloom around the festival...

My distraction was born. I so much enjoyed the writing and photography that it morphed into the World's First Photoblogumentary. 

I know because I made the term up!

To make a long story short: Having something to distract you from your painful journey is a good thing. Be it a type of medication (besides heavy pain killers)
or a hobby or a purpose.

So while I am busy photographing Cherry Blossoms up the ying yang, I don't have as much time to post here. 

If you found your way to "My life with CPPD", you can read about all things positive in the Wooster Square Blossom Blog.

And if you want to commiserate, stop by here or sign up for email notices of when I post!

For lot's of smiles:

See you there!

Until next time...

Keep up the Good Fight!

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